Communication is a crucial aspect of problem-solving. The ability to explain a problem and its solution in simple terms is an indicator of understanding. As Albert Einstein said, “If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.” The “show and tell” mindset takes this idea further and aims to simplify explanations even more with the use of visual aids.
The show and tell mindset is critical to problem-solving as it helps bring decision-makers into the problem-solving domain.
- Be clear about the action that should flow from your problem solving and findings: the governing idea for change.
- Find a way to present your logic visually so that the path to answers can be debated and embraced.
- Present the argument emotionally as well as logically, and show why the preferred action offers an attractive balance between risks and rewards.
- Spell out the risks of inaction, which often have a higher cost than imperfect actions have.
By using these steps, you can effectively communicate your problem-solving approach and gain buy-in from decision makers. Remember, the goal is to make the solution transparent and to create an emotional connection that drives action.
When presenting a solution, seasoned problem-solvers make the solution transparent and present the argument emotionally and logically. It’s also essential to spell out the risks of inaction since they often have a higher cost than imperfect actions. By embracing the show and tell mindset, you can help drive action and find solutions to complex problems.
In conclusion, communication and visualization are critical skills when it comes to problem-solving. Using the show and tell mindset can help simplify explanations and drive action towards effective solutions. If you need help with improving your problem-solving skills, consider signing up for my accountability coaching program.